LINKS is a peer-to-peer support program. Links are general education students who serve as a mentor and support person for our students with needs.
Peer-to-Peer Support programs provide critical opportunities to bring together students with a range of needs, and these programs can lead to academic, social and behavioral benefits for all participants. Both peer supports and students with ASD (Autisum Spectrum Disorder) learn new skills, engage in social opportunities, and have interactions that, over time, can contribute to meaningful changes in school climate.
Participants in these programs learn new skills that move them toward employment and careers, they learn to value diversity, allowing them to be more richly involved in their communities, and they engage in social and academic experiences with more confidence and competence. The LINKS give our students with disabilities the confidence to talk to new people, sit with different peers at lunch, attend pep assemblies and try new experiences on field trips.
To apply to be a link, talk with Mrs. Garrett or Ms. Merchant.